+1 613 720 4840
190 Bonnyley Crescent, Kemptville, Ontario, K0G1J0

Marcom Examples

This section previews just some of the sales collateral developed on behalf of Cranial-8 clients. Not shown are business cases and sales presentations.


The subject matter of brochures can be varied from products, to corporate capability and support tools.
Brochures can be based upon existing house styles or new styles can be developed.
Content and artwork produced by Cranial-8 from briefings and source material


Articles written on a wide range of topics that impact clients and the markets they serve.
The articles may be written from technical or business perspective or both.
Articles can be written to target a specific publication and can be placed under the name and author of the client company.
Cranial-8 can also take care of placement and liaison with the publisher


Inspiration is drawn from clients, the markets they serve, or just the world at large.
Blogs may be written to promote products to create awareness to share news or just simply to express an opinion.
Blogs may be posted on social networking sites on the clients own corporate website

White Papers

White papers generally provide a more in depth treatment than that provided by articles or product briefs.
The prime purposes are to provide relevant and useful insight on a particular topic and set the Sponsor Company and or author as a subject matter expert.
White papers may be technical or business in orientation.
Generally Cranial-8 will conduct briefings with the clients technical staff and conduct third party research to augment and support the clients perspective

REF# MGW: Get your Media Gateway out ahead of the competition

Double sided brochure promoting a new evaluation and development environment for a family of DSPs used Media Gateway and video MCU applications

REF# VP: Voice Procesing Products

Multi paged brochure promoting a new range of voice processing products targeted towards speaker phones and hands free enabled devices

REF# Processor: Changing the Status Quo in Processor Design: Why Synchronous Is No Longer Cool

Article discussing why the status quo of processor technology needs to be questioned if efficiencies of power are to be reached without undue compromise

White Paper_Why Outsource Marketing

A white paper setting reasons why organiasations should consider outsorcing elements of their marketing function

White Paper_A New Sales Outsourcing Model

A white paper describing the failings of the typical Manufacturers Representation model and proposing a new alternative

White Paper_Catching the Video Wave

This white paper, written on behalf of a semiconductor client, discusses the advantages of using “out-of-the-box” DSP solutions to implement enterprise video solutions.

REF# VM: Video Market Hots-Up

This blog was written on behalf of a semiconductor client selling high performance DSPs. The blog highlights the need for higher perfomance processors that can handle the demands of a new generation of mobile video applications.


This blog was written on behalf of Cranial-8 Sales in order to promote a range of CO2 sensors. The blog explains how school boards are adopting CO2 sensors as a way of improving indoor air quaility (IAQ) which in turn helps promote a healthier and more productive learning environment.